National Eucharistic Revival: Light a Spark!! and “A Step-by-Step Walk Through the Mass: Why do we use incense?”

Do This in Remembrance of Me, Part 38: Incense. What is incense, and where does it come from? Click here to learn:

If you still haven’t signed up for the Spark Series…

God wants to do something NEW in the Church. By the power of Jesus in the Eucharist, we believe we stand on the precipice of revival. But revival is not something that WE do. It is a sovereign act of God in response to the prevailing prayers of his people. Join us in praying for revival with the Spark Series—nine short daily reflections inviting you to open your heart to the renewal God desires. Click here to sign up!–iJYyJjIVwAj-XnDfEC0npaEXecL7jvvZVzCnFuhmwQOyQ1Jf4Qzh5zbavn7H8BZReEay1okyGuzDYlVWS1eV2ODBvQw&_hsmi=273362656&hsCtaTracking=3d4bfb97-1cd0-4339-b080-f5b7d8802d2b%7Cdf7fc98a-e2f4-4945-bfdf-873679334c42

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has created a beautiful website full of information, prayers, and teachings from Clergy across the country. Find out what it all means and how to respond and learn by going to


The Heart of the Revival newsletter is the simplest way to stay connected to what the National Eucharistic Revival is all about.

Sign up for dynamic weekly reflections, videos, and resources from trusted voices in every corner of the Church designed to help you enkindle, rekindle, and deepen a living relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist. Click on the link above to sign up.

Benedict XVI and the Eucharistic Revival: Part 3 – By Dr. Timothy O’Malley

This is the third in a three part series highlighting the Eucharistic Legacy of Pope Benedict XVI. Part 1 focused on “The Eucharist is a Mystery to be Believed.” Part 2 emphasized “The Eucharist Is a Mystery to Be Celebrated.” This week Dr. O’Malley concludes by illuminating “The Eucharist Is a Mystery to Live.”

The Eucharist Is a Mystery to Live

In Sacramentum Caritatis, Benedict XVI regularly reminds all the faithful of the relationship between worship and the rest of our lives. The last section of the document clearly defines the relationship between worship and living, as the late Holy Father writes:

“There is nothing authentically human – our thoughts and affections, our words and deeds – that does not find in the sacrament of the Eucharist the form it needs to be lived to the full. Here we can see the full human import of the radical newness brought by Christ in the Eucharist: the worship of God in our lives cannot be relegated to something private and individual, but tends by its nature to permeate every aspect of our existence.” (Sacramentum Caritatis, no. 71)

Here, Benedict XVI repeats something dear to the Second Vatican Council. The problem with the modern age isn’t disbelief in God but the gap between faith and life manifest in so many believers. They go to Mass on Sunday, yet they live the rest of their lives as if God does not exist. Or worse, I go to Mass on Sunday, yet I live the rest of my life as if God does not exist. It’s what Benedict XVI refers to elsewhere as practical atheism.  (Click on the link above to read the rest of the article).